Thursday, October 11, 2012

This has been a hectic week.  My grandson Drew has been in the hospital with pneumonia but thankfully, he went home on Monday.  He's only 3 and it was heartbreaking to see him suffering in the hospital!  I couldn't bear it.  I am such a marshmallow and cannot stand to see people in pain, especially little ones.  He goes to the dr. today and hopefully his lungs are clearing up.

I am now tutoring 3 students, which is a good thing, since I earn $50.00 an hour.  Two of the students I tutor are twice a week and one is one time a week for an hour and a half.  In between that, I also substitute teach.  I really enjoy teaching but this is nice - teaching without the stress.  Plus, I like the extra money.  That way I can save and spend, etc.  But I ALWAYS pay my tithing first - ALWAYS!  And I have been very blessed because of it. 

Trying to make more meatless meals and still swimming two or three times a week.  Looking better without the stress and some inches off.  And we are eating healthier.  I love the taste of organic and freshly grown food.  Does everyone know about the farmer's market every Saturday on Main and Cherry Streets in Tomball.  Coolest place ever.  Pasture eggs are the best!

Teaching third grade at Decker Prairie tomorrow.  Like that campus - everyone is so friendly. 

Random thought:  I reread Jeffrey Holland's talk from conference and I'm really thinking about what it means to be a disciple of Christ. 

Have a great day and evening.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Two months into retirement and I'm as busy as I ever thought I would be.  True, I still get down once in a while but I seem to be able to pick myself up and dust myself off a lot sooner than I used to be able to do!

Been going to gardening classes at Arbor Gate and swimming exercise once or twice a week.  I'm really enjoying my freedom.  Been doing some subbing and some tutoring as well.  Anxious for the cooler weather to stay here so I can make soups, breads, etc. 

Anxious to share some of the good recipes I've gotten from Pinterest. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Good morning world!

Glad I went to bed by 11 last night cause at 6:15 A.M. (I looked at the clock) the phone rang with a recording telling me about a substitute job at Northpointe Intermediate - 6th grade math/science (YUK!).  I pressed #4 saying NO! and don't call me anymore today.  The great thing about retiring is that I can pick and choose who and where I want to work (if at all). 

I love my tutoring gig that I have and for right now, that's enough.  I'm about to start helping a home-schooled high schooler (sophomore I think) with her language arts classes.  So I'm satisfied for now.

As I walked out the door at 7:30 this morning I grabbed a blanket to wrap around me cause it actually felt COLD - as in brrrrrrrrr.  As I waited for Luke (my pup) to do his thing, I looked up and saw lots of blue jays and other birds rustling around in the trees.  Is Fall on the way?  Don't think we're done with hot weather  but hopefully it won't be oppressively hot.  In any event, the cooler weather was a welcome change.

I plan on enjoying this wonderful day.  Hope you have a great Monday!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

I don't know about anyone else but I am excited to get some cooler weather, even if it is just for a day or two.

Random thought:  I don't eat Chinese food anymore because there is no place that I know of that makes GOOD Chinese food.  However, yesterday I met someone for lunch and we went to Panda Express in Tomball.  I loved their food!  It actually tasted fresh and not deep fried in old oil!  Gotta go back soon!

I think I'm about ready to attempt sewing with my new machine that I got for Christmas.  It's about time, right?

We went to Buca di Beppo last night for dinner and although it was good, I like my authentic Italian sauce much better!  Not that I'm bragging.  As soon as it gets cooler, gonna take some pics to post in here.

Have a good rest of the day today and a great day tomorrow.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A New Day

Several years ago I was in the Young Women's presidency at church.  At the time I met this beautiful young woman of 15 who I eventually lost touch with.  She found me a few weeks ago on Facebook and came for dinner last night.  I cannot believe the close connection I still have with her.  She is a beautiful woman now with a wonderful spirit who is a faithful Latter Day Saint.  I am so proud of her.  She and I could have talked for many more hours.  I am so excited to have found her in my life again!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Summer is over and school has begun

The day all of my teacher friends went back to work was a difficult day for me.  In fact, I was downright sad.  I thought, "What next?"  I have started tutoring which helps, but I miss having a class full of second graders.  I have started going to water aerobics and that not only helps me get into shape, but it also makes me happy. 

What do I love? Not having to get up at 5:30 A.M. every morning and coming home at 6:30 every night.
I love cooking and baking, and have caught up with all the seasons in rerun of The Mentalist.  What else do I love?  More to come.